Our open workshop, “Sing the Words, Paint the Music”, on the second Saturday of
January was an exhilarating musical launch into 2019. Here are just a few of the
many very positive comments we received from participants:
“Incredibly well-structured… a very clear narrative to the
session, thinking about vowels and consonants, meaning
and colour. The pieces used as exemplars were similarly
well chosen… The best three hours of singing I've spent in
the last year, bravo!”

“I loved the entire workshop… Janet's instruction was
fantastic… I learned how to adapt my voice and
pronunciation to get the desired effect, which seemed (to
me) to create a beautiful ensemble.”
“Really interesting to focus on a proper warm-up and
understand articulation. It was well timed and the break
was good. Gorgeous music and interesting, interested
friendly people attending.”
“Clear organisation and instructions; music ready and
available; interesting selection of music; well-paced and
planned workshop, with Janet giving us the benefit of her
buckets of experience; being able to sense improvement
and refinement with each pass through a musical phrase.”
There were many helpful suggestions for future workshop
themes, too. We’ll keep you posted!